• 2015 Fall Retreat Group
  • 2015 Fall Retreat Lillie
  • 2015 Fall Retreat
  • Spring 2013 Workshop
  • Servant Trip to Jamaica
  • Servant Trip to Jamaica
  • Hosting local servant events
  • Presentations on deaf ministry
  • Good news outreach to ISD students
  • Christ Deaf Jacksonville
  • Sign choir
  • Ready to host a servant event
  • Willie's ILY
  • Good News Club

New Deaf Ministry Endowment!

Thank you for your interest, direct gifts and prayers!  We have not filed all the paperwork to establish The Central Illinois Lutheran Deaf Ministry Fund.  We are able to receive gifts AND benefit from your estate planning (Last Will and Testament).  Click here for more info.

4th Saturday Workshop!

For the first time since the start of the pandemic, we are hosting our 4th Saturday Workshop in Jacksonville, Illinois.  Click here for more info.

The Open Door and Hands for the Harvest Newsletters

Also, we've uploaded recent newsletters.  You can check it out here!

God's peace to you through Jesus Christ, He Himself is our peace,


Pastor Phillips

Click to support our ministry!